I didn't bring the new year on a good note...
I wasn't well.. Cold, cough, fever, body ache and eye infection.
DAMAGE: I didn't give the Maths 5 paper today. More like, one KT free with the new year.. *sigh*
Depressing isn't it?? I mean I studied for it and then mid way through realised that it is just not gonna happen.. A big blow to my much anticipated KT free year.. *Sighs louder* yes, i have been depressed about this for the last couple of days.
New year came and went, all it left behind, etched behind a wall of tears was the loss of hope.
DAMAGE: Joel left today for UK. i won't see him for another 11 months odd. It pinches coz he was here for like 5 weeks and i hardly met him for 5 days. Ok, it isn't entirely my fault. He came one day before my exams started and left one day before they got over. The 12 day mini vacation i got in between was my best hope to catch up with him, but sadly; that didn't happen. He went to Kerala for 2 weeks.. AArrrggghhhhh!!!! Upon returning, he went to spend New Years at Goa. I can't crib much, because i came up with the plan for New Years at Goa. Sadly due to Mumbai university, I couldn't go. It is okie. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I shall have a better vacation, somewhere, i hope.. I miss him... :'(
He did give me a reindeer though!! *big wide grin* It has this permanent "OMG, WTF did u do?" expression!! :D :D :D
Now, everytime i miss him, I go give the reindeer a hug!! :D :D :D
Apart from that, I have started reading again, a lot of reading.. i'm trying to keep myself sane. There is a lot I can't put in here, because it is a public blog. I know you are reading, just drop in a prayer or two for me. To keep me sane. And happy.
I did realise one more thing,
Happiness comes with a price. It is not free. Shine on you crazy diamond. I still care. :)
I know the secret of happiness. It's yellow and blue, and warm and googley! :D
Not going to Goa sounds far more depressing to me coz the maths was a bit tough anyways :( and it looks as if you kept your reindeer over your maths notes :D
don't worry ....Everyday is a new day :)
The reindeer used to preside over the Math sessions!! :P Maths was tough.. but then, i wouldn't know, now would I? Goa.. well, thats another story for me to know and for u to wonder!! ;)
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