25 Aug 2007


We all matter, in some way or the other.
To someone out there.
Someone for whom we make their day.
Someone for whom, we are the day.
Someone, who needed the smile.
And you gave them one.
Someone who wanted to talk.
And you patiently heard them out.
Someone who wanted to hold your hand.
And you gave them yours.
Someone who needed a shoulder to lean on.
And you gave them yours.
Someone who needed a friend.
And you were the best that they could get.
Someone who needed YOU.
And YOU were their f0r them.

Now, when you need someone and no one seems to be there.
Remember, I am a phone call away.
Always there.
For anyone who needs me.

24 Aug 2007


I think and think until I can think no more.

I am not yet sure that I deserve t0 be with you.
You are good. Way too good. Much more good than I deserve.
I need you. I do.
My day seems incomplete if I haven't spent enough time with you.
Yet, I am scared.
Scared of you.
Scared of the amount you love me. And why you do.
Scared that I will wake up one day from this amazing, amazing dream.
Scared that I will have somehow hurt you.
Scared that you might go away.
Scared for you.

Hold my hand when I seem to want to go away.
Drive away my fears when I seem insecure.
Wipe my tears when I can take no more.
Correct me when you see me do wrong. And again.
Appreciate me when I make you feel good.
Don't leave me and go. Not even when you're angry.
I won't be able to take this pain again.
Never again.

17 Aug 2007


"Why don't you ask yourself why you don't have any friends?"

Thats what my *FRIEND* so kindly told me today.

So I am asking all of you unknown faces out there.

Tell me why I don't have friends.

16 Aug 2007

Abstract Views: The Confusion Within!

Will it ever be this way,
That you miss me when I am not there?
Or will it be like any other day;
That you won't bother to care?

Will it be that I leave this way
Never to cross paths with you again?
Or will my presence never be missed;
Never there; now that I'm gone?

Is it that you never thought
That I have feelings too?
Or did you just assume that
I was never good enough for you?

My loneliness is stretching away
More painful, each passing day;
Will it ever once bother you
If forever I break and fade away?

Maybe if you just bothered once
Spoke to me for a change,
My little heart will feel very nice
My loneliness will go in vain.

Or maybe I wouldn't be important enough
For your care and your love
I will simply fade away,
Only remembered by time...