24 Aug 2007


I think and think until I can think no more.

I am not yet sure that I deserve t0 be with you.
You are good. Way too good. Much more good than I deserve.
I need you. I do.
My day seems incomplete if I haven't spent enough time with you.
Yet, I am scared.
Scared of you.
Scared of the amount you love me. And why you do.
Scared that I will wake up one day from this amazing, amazing dream.
Scared that I will have somehow hurt you.
Scared that you might go away.
Scared for you.

Hold my hand when I seem to want to go away.
Drive away my fears when I seem insecure.
Wipe my tears when I can take no more.
Correct me when you see me do wrong. And again.
Appreciate me when I make you feel good.
Don't leave me and go. Not even when you're angry.
I won't be able to take this pain again.
Never again.

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