16 Aug 2007

Abstract Views: The Confusion Within!

Will it ever be this way,
That you miss me when I am not there?
Or will it be like any other day;
That you won't bother to care?

Will it be that I leave this way
Never to cross paths with you again?
Or will my presence never be missed;
Never there; now that I'm gone?

Is it that you never thought
That I have feelings too?
Or did you just assume that
I was never good enough for you?

My loneliness is stretching away
More painful, each passing day;
Will it ever once bother you
If forever I break and fade away?

Maybe if you just bothered once
Spoke to me for a change,
My little heart will feel very nice
My loneliness will go in vain.

Or maybe I wouldn't be important enough
For your care and your love
I will simply fade away,
Only remembered by time...

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