14 Nov 2008

Dreams and the Family.

I woke up in cold sweat. I don't usually remember my dreams and most of them are pleasant. Thus, dreaming in explicit detail about losing a family member didn't leave me with any happy thought. It though; did leave me with a lot of doubt and many unanswered questions. 

I had just witnessed my mother's death as a third person. 

It left me shaken and visibly disturbed. Viewing the entire scene from the third person's point of view let me examine myself at the point of crisis. But more than that, it left me with a bunch of unanswered questions. I didn't know my ma's favourite colour. I didn't know her favourite dish. I didn't know the one thing that she loved the most in the world. The problematic part was, even after waking up; I didn't have answers to these questions.

It made me realise that even though my family is so close knit, I had so many unanswered questions. Living the fast life, always on the run; I have forgotten how to enjoy life. Needless to say that I don't have answers to the questions yet but I know what I will be reduced to if my family breaks up. Touchwood; that it doesn't happen for a long time. It will eventually happen, I know that; but I hope it doesn't happen anytime soon.

The problem that we face today; is that we forget to prioritise. We forget that our family is just as important as our friends are. Ask me to name my friend's favourite colour, I will know. Quiz me about their food habits and I will tell you in a jiffy. I know their most loved/hated lists like the back of my hand. But I fail miserably when it comes to my family. And I pride myself on being real close to my family. There is little that I don't know or share with them. 

But I do know that I want to learn more. I want to know more about the people who were always there for me. The ones who kissed the tears away. The ones who slept with the lights on when I was scared. The ones who cradled me and read out stories on the nights I couldn't sleep. The ones who taught me some of life's greatest lessons. The ones who I more or less tend to take for granted. 

Look back. Retrospect. There must have been a thousand times when you fought with your parents to see that movie which they didn't want you to see. To go to the coffee shop with a bunch of friends. To go on the promised date with that cute guy/girl you had been eyeing for months. But did we for once see the pain we inflicted back at home? Invisible scars that refuse to heal? Silent tears of pain? Hours of worry...??? 

No we don't. We are way too selfish and self absorbed to bother with the people who give us the much required unconditional love. The ones who would do anything for us at the bat of an eyelid. The ones who will risk their lives to save us from getting scratched. 

Our unsung heroes. Our family members. Our life.


I owe you guys a million times over. For always being there. And even though I rarely let you know. I love you. More than I can express and more than anything else. Forever. For always.


aneri_masi said...

Now that sure is a scary dream :(
And thanks for the reminder to appreciate our loved ones, and also let them know!

Anindita said...

Tell me about the scary part!! :(
And you are most welcome!! :)

Take care. :)

Joel said...

(gulp!!!) come to think of it i dont know all that too ... cool .. now i have a list .. to bug mum with ... :D .. >:D< .. hey dont worry .. ur just being human .. we dont prioritize on them coz we know deep down that no matter what they will always be there .. >:D< .. hence we tend to prioritize more on things that might not be there, viz. the cute guy/gurl u have been eyeing for a while .. (btw .. kon hai woh .. wink wink ) sweet post .. though with a scary beginning.

>:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D<

Anindita said...

But we always cannot take them for granted na? We still don't prioritise properly.

The cute girl????? Joel!! I am a straight girl!!


When will you rem'r?? :P
I eye cute guys. =D

Multiplies all the hugs by 1000 and wishes fervently for a ticket to UK to give them in person!

Miss ya, loads!


Shravan Vijayaprasad said...

I have no words on what to say! I feel terribly bad about myself as I never cared for my family members as well :(

And once, I didn't even give my sis a small chocolate on my birthday, and my mom pointed it out to me, and it was totally hurting :( Had i lost all my senses? I had spent 3000 bucks for my friends and not even a single paise for my sis :( That hit me hard :( I still feel bad for it and that's just one example.. I've hurt my ma, my dad (not my sis, cos she's still young) a lot of times and I would definitely like to make amends!

And your post just served as a reminder to these incidents that are still hurting me a lot, but also reminded me I can still act upon it! It's time i gradually work on it, right from going to the shop for my mom to giving a kiss to my sister! Everything matters, doesn't it?

Don't worry about the dream too much!

Missed ya too ..


Nice to see you're back :)

Trinaa said...

omg...that sure was scary... :(((
yup family is sooooo important...n v jus dont seem to value them enough...but dont think abt d dream too much baby..it'll only scare u more...after my exams get over i'll cheer u up fultu..okie?? tc till then...n v luv u too :)))

man in painting said...

liked it..the way you describe the whole thing..especially in simple words,using simple sentences..
gd work
take care

Anindita said...

@ Shrav

As long as you realise the follies you have made and work upon improving the relationship with them, I think half the work is done. If you can work on it as time passes, things will be just fine.

Take care, missed you lots! :)

*hugs back*

@ Trinaa

All the best for your exams!! :) Kick ass babe!! =D

I'll bank on that promise pakka!!! :D

Missed ya loads, love ya loads. Mwahhhh!!!

@ Man in painting

Thank you! :)
Hope to see you around more often!! :)

Anurag said...

Wow,that is one scary dream....I get weird dreams but not such scary ones..
Anyways Forget it and study C.S.M instead :P

Hyperactive maniac said...

>:D< >:D< >:D<

just a thing you should remember in future, as wierd as it may sound, seeing a death in a dream is a good omen...its telling you, that all your bad times are coming to an end, that all the unhappiness will die away now and make way for good times!
although i can understand it must have been a scary dream, i had a dream like that once too...chose to forget about it...
ah not to forget the countless dreams i've seen myself die in the most violent and creative ways! :P
cheer up!
cheers to all who we love!

Trevor Penn said...

FWIW, philosophers and psychologists agree that dreams are often a manifestation of one's subconscious!!! The good part is, it's not too late to wake up. It's not too late to make up. :)

Cяystal said...

That was scary,Ani..
But apart from that..you imparted a totally BEAUTIFUL message down to us.
And the example of the favourite color and stuff was so geuine..and SO darn true.
Glad to see you back :)
*huuuuuuugs* :D :D

Bhai with Chai said...

ok.. this shook me up..

Anindita said...

@ Anurag.

C.S.M. my ass! =D How is stuff with IS and AMP going???

*still can't get over the fact that MU screwed you guys till the 14th*

@ Isha

*hugs right back*

The fact that I didn't have answers shook me up more than the dream. It is so weird that I remember stuff in explicit detail. I know where we were, what I was wearing and other crap. :|

But I like the silver lining. Good times indeed!!! :)

@ Trevor

Nice to see you on my blog and I hope to see you often! :)

As long as I can make up for lost time, I will. :)

@ Crystal

*loads of hugs*

I hope the message makes way for action on all our parts!! :)
Missed ya!!

@ Bhai


As long as you act upon it, my work will be worthwhile! Take care. :)

Nidz said...

i have thoughts and felt this way many times... i ask my dad whts his fav movie or whts his fav actor and actress. seriously its amazing to know what they feel and how they feel.. after all they are the one who gifts u ths world. we can spare more time in knowing them. isnt it?

Anindita said...

That is so nice! You actually make an effort to learn!


It is the best thing in the world. Kind of makes you all happy inside!! :)

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

dats how most of us are ... we dont realise d worth of wat we hav. now dat u hav...make use of this realisation, n make ur dear ones smile. it will compensate fo all dat u said u dont knw or dint care enuff about!!

Cinderella said...

Ah ! So the Mumbai Matinee is back ! Glad to see you lady.

I have had such a dream too, and the feelin after you wake up is the worst part to adjust yourself with n convince yourself that this isnt happening and that its just a dream. I completely understand what you feel.

And yes, agree that in the want of being ahead and surging forward family is the one thing that we totally take for granted...your post comes as a gr8 reminder for the "unsung heroes" !!

humbl devil said...

here's wishing that you dont dream such dreams or encounter such a situation for as long as possible...
take care...
and be a lil more positive about life... :)

dreams are an outlet for the subconscious...somehting on ur mind???

Cяystal said...

I missed you big time,as well :(

Ratzzz said...

girly... know wat.. as d superstition goes, wen u see someone's death in dream, something good is gonna happen to u and the person in question... cheer up....

that's wat my mom used to say wen ever i saw such a scary dream, girl.. and we know moms never lie..

Lucifer said...

u made me think a lot with that post...really...
all d questions u asked i jus realised even i dont have any answers to em...

sigh!!! u jus made me realize how selfish can v get

Vyzz said...


I just read ur 1st 4 questions, abt the things u dont know..i had a same dream once..im going to ask her those q now...thanks for that

:) :)


Anindita said...

@ Gunj

I'm already working on it!! :)

@ Cindy

Glad to see you too girl!! :)
As long as act upon what our subconscious tells us to, I think we'll do fine! :)

@ devil

Actually I'm glad I had the dream, I learn't a lot from it. I am way too positive. And I'm taking this dream in the positive way too!! :)

@ Crystal


*monster bear hug*

Anindita said...

@ the rat

I know what they say about the thought. Touchwood to you!! I hope good things happen for quite some time! =D Exams are around the corner, I need the good things to happen now! ;)

@ Mayank

As long as you act upon the thoughts I instigated, you'll be fine. In the end, we are all selfish. But some of us can be a little less selfish and then it would be okay.


@ Vyo

Yayy!! Lemme know what your mom answers to the questions! :)

Prabhu Dutta Das said...

This made me feel bad thoroughly. Missing home.. Missing mom and everything! I guess the lifes cycle should have been fitted wit ha back pedal.

It would have been so easier to move back onto memory after realizing folly :) Take me Back!

Scribblers Inc said...

welcome back Queen of the Mumbai Means! Its been a while...
you have enough guys who are already talkin bout your dream, so I wont get into all that; I would rather wish you happier dreams instead! :)

Scribblers Inc.

P.S.-thanks for the wishes. What would I do without you guys!! :D

Ankur Kakkar said...

Life always throws up circumstances whn we are inadvertantly forced to realise the importance of our family and its contribution in the making of whatever we are today ...

take care..

Vishesh said...

i have had so many of those dreams...

Anindita said...


Ya well, that was THE entire point! Now, call your mommy and your daddy and tell them how much you miss them and how much you love them!! :)

@ Scribbler's

Ya, it has been a long while! I realised I was going to lose all my readers! =D Thanks for them wishes. :)

@ Ankur

I couldn't have put it in a better way!!! :)

@ Vishesh

But do you act on them????

Cяystal said...

You online?
Give me your id pleej !

Saim said...

v touching post, must say
very true as well...v just take our parents for granted....wish v didn't but hopefully dis post helps sum of us realise our mistakes!!!!

Pri said...

well atleast the nightmare made u realise something very important :)
u should thank it in a way....

Mysterious Mia said...

well yur nightmare sure did get me thinking as well..........thanks dearie

Anonymous said...

me first time here...and i got scared first time...donno if that is good or bad...
but the end result of the nightmare was very true...!!

very nice template too...!! u r blogrolled, cheers!! :)

Hemanth Potluri said...

scary...shock...beautiful...and ending was good :)..


Bhai with Chai said...

*hugs back*

I came here to read this a second time over..
and I'm going to make my non-blog friends read this as well!

Ankur Kakkar said...

hey.... come up with a new post .... we're all waiting !!

Anindita said...

@ Comfortably Numb

I hope my post helps people remember and learn. :)

@ Pri

I'm super thankful!!! :) :) :)

@ Mia

Anytime babes!! Miss ya loads!! :(

@ Leo

Hey there! Welcome to my blog. I hope to see you around more often. My intention wasn't to scare you but to help you realise. I hope I'll see more of you. Take care. :)

Anindita said...

@ Hemanth


Thank you!! :)

@ Bhai

Awww.. Thats so sweet of you!!! :)

*a monster carton of hugs*


@ Ankur

Your wish is my command!! :)

Heart'n'Soul said...

I think this is before i talked tou... rite???

very well writtenindeed and pretty much thought provoking... its just so ingrained in human nature to overlook eveery little thing we have, while we keep runnin after things we don have and probably don even need...

Such is life and such is the human natures.