Dance Bars............
the courts decision to reopen the flourishing business of the dance bars has been met upon by many with worried and uneasy looks. it is common belief that prostitution is rampant in these bars and that the morals of the society are brought to shame. however when these very same dancers are unemployed they will take up to prostitution. no one employs them, they are just left to fend for themselves in a world where no one gives a damn about anyone. they are not given three months salary or any letter for their time there. no one cares anymore. not every one there goes into prostitution, many there just go to dance. the minister's interest in petitioning to the high court is stupid and uncalled for. just shows that they want to close this down because they cant stop themselves from going into that. shows that these people have no control over themselves and they can't resist temptation. closing down the bars in the name of moral policing makes no sense in a democratic country. what is the point of democracy if people are not free to choose their own occupation? there is no point in living in a democratic country at all. god help us.
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